
Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2014

Dedublarea astrala - Desprinderea sufletului de trup

Dedublarea astrala - Desprinderea sufletului de trup(documentar) Vezi mai multe video din diverse

William Buhlman - Aventuri in viata de dincolo - Editura Infinit


Psychoanalysis vs. Hypnosis - for Any Scientific Work Repeated Experimentation Is Absolutely Necessary...

I UNDERSTAND YOU TO HAVE SAID THAT IN HYPNOSIS ONE'S PROBLEMS CAN BE WORKED OUT ON AN UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL, AND THAT THIS METHOD HAS THE ADVANTAGE OVER PSYCHOTHERAPY IN THAT IT CAN COVER A LOT MORE GROUND IN A FAR SHORTER TIME. IS IT NECESSARY MERELY FOR THE CONTENTS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS TO SURFACE DURING HYPNOSIS, OR DOES THE CONSCIOUS MIND NEED TO BE MADE AWARE OF THOSE CONTENTS FOR THE CLEARING TO BE COMPLETE? The conscious mind has to be made aware; otherwise there will be no change. The contents of the unconscious mind are repressed by the conscious mind. To reverse the process, they have to be brought back to the conscious mind, and the conscious mind has to express them instead of repressing them. Because of repression they had gone into the unconscious; unless the reverse process of expression is there, they will remain. They can be available to the hypnotists, but the conscious mind does not know about it. For the conscious mind they are still repressed, and it is only through ...

Unconscious to consciousness - method

WHEN I GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT, I AM SWEPT AWAY BY SUCH INCREDIBLY SURREAL DREAMS THAT  I WAKE UP IN THE MORNING SURPRISED I AM IN MY SAME BED. IS THERE A WAY TO CHANNEL THIS PHENOMENAL ENERGY THAT GOES INTO DREAMING AT NIGHT, INTO WATCHFULNESS? The phenomenon of dreaming and watchfulness are totally different things. Just try one thing: every night, going to sleep, while you are just half awake, half asleep, slowly going deeper into sleep, repeat to yourself, "I will be able to remember that it is a dream." Go on repeating it till you fall asleep. It will take a few days, but one day you will be surprised: once this idea sinks deep into the unconscious, you can watch the dream as a dream. Then it has no grip over you. Then slowly, as your watchfulness becomes more sharp, dreams will disappear. They are very shy; they don't want to be watched. They exist only in the darkness of the unconscious. As watchfulness brings light in, they start disappearing...