
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2013

What are the major mistakes in bringing up children?

The major mistakes in bringing up children are many, but I will talk only about the most important. First: the idea that they belong to you. They come through you; you have been a passage, but they don't belong to you. They are not your possessions. Out of this idea of possessiveness many mistakes arise. Once you start thinking that they are your possessions, you have reduced them into things, because only things can be possessed, not human beings. It is the ugliest act you can do. And those poor children are so helpless, so dependent on you, they cannot rebel. They accept whatever your idea is. And to protect your possessiveness you make them Christians the moment they are born. You make them Hindus, you make them Mohammedans, you make them Buddhists, you make them Jews -- you can't wait! And can't you see the absolute absurdity of it? In politics, the person will be adult and capable of voting when he is twenty-one. Is religion something of lesser quality than...

Toti avem celule canceroase in corp. De ce numai unii se imbolnavesc de cancer?

“Fiecare dintre noi are celule canceroase in corp. Dar nu toti ne vom imbolnavi de cancer”. Asa incepe cartea medicului american David Servan Schreiber, “Anticancer” . De ce unii se imbolnavesc, iar altii par a fi imuni la aceasta boala a secolului, care afecteaza un numar urias de oameni de pe intreaga planeta? Care este secretul acestei imunitati? Doctor in medicina, psihiatru si neurolog, profesor si cercetator la una dintre cele mai celebre universitati americane de medicina, si fondator al unui centru de medicina integrativa, David Servan Schreiber este cunoscut in intreaga lume pentru abordarilesale neconventionale. Dar nu titlurile sale stiintifice i-au adus celebritatea, ci curajul de a introduce, intr-o lume stiintifica strangulata de o viziune mecanicista asupra fiintei omenesti, concepte revolutionare, precum acela ca bolile sunt in stransa legatura cu psihicul si cu mintea omeneasca, cu sentimentele noastre, cu felul in care privim lumea. Intr-o prima carte, numita “Vindec...

Jenyne Butterfly - Extreme performance to art

JENYNE grew up in Washington, the northwestern part of the United States. Little did she know at the time, the few years she spent attending gymnastics classes at a very young age would affect her entire life. It wasn’t until she discovered pole dancing at the age of 18 that she realized her true passion in dance, sport, exercise, performance, and competition. Jenyne was attending college studying interior design and architecture but she soon realized that she could apply her creativity into something more fun and physically challenging. The costumes, make-up, music, theatrics, and the view from heights of 30 feet above were all too fascinating. Jenyne made the decision to break away from school and focus on her skills into the entertainment industry with aerial acrobatics on apparatus such as pole, silks, hoop, trapeze, rope, hammock, and bungee. She never would have imagined living out the dream of “running away to join the circus” until it actually happened. The relocation to La...